Hiring a Full-Time Remote Software Developer

Hiring a Full-Time Remote Software Developer using Distro

Ideal Customer: Technology company with intent to grow product and engineering teams.

Goal: To find and hire a full-time remote software developer to work on the company’s product.

Preconditions: The company has an active Distro account, defined job requirements, and a set budget for payroll.

Flow of Events:
1. The company logs into Distro and creates a job description.
2. Distro matches the company with qualified candidates.
3. The company reviews profiles, interviews candidates, and makes a hiring decision.
4. The company extends an offer, and the candidate accepts.
5. Distro handles onboarding and payroll setup.
6. The company begins working with the new hire, and Distro manages payroll.
The company successfully hires a remote software developer within 10 days, saving 30% or more on salaries.

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